.. |setup| image:: ./images/install/setup.png .. |license_agreement| image:: ./images/install/license_agreement.png .. |select_destination_location| image:: ./images/install/select_destination_location.png .. |select_additional_tasks| image:: ./images/install/select_additional_tasks.png .. |ready_to_install| image:: ./images/install/ready_to_install.png .. |completing| image:: ./images/install/completing.png Windows Install Guide ===================== System Requirements ------------------- * OS: Windows 10 (x64) * CPU: Support for SSE 4.2 instructions * GPU: Minimum of 4 GB VRAM (Interactive visualization requires OpenGL 4.5+ support) * RAM: At least 4 GB * Hard Drive: At least 100 GB of free space Installation ------------ 1. Download the installer from our website. (https:/shapefx.app) 2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions: |setup| 3. Agree to the terms of use. |license_agreement| 4. Choose ShapeFx Loki installation path. |select_destination_location| 5. Select whether to create a desktop shortcut. |select_additional_tasks| 6. Proceed to the installation process. |ready_to_install| 7. Finish the installation. |completing| Running ------- Start the application using the desktop shortcut to run it with the default Hydra Render Delegates. In case you need Cycles, Arnold or Renderman Render Delegates follow the instructions below: We also supply loki.bat in the root folder that proxying to the application executable. If your build variation has embedded render delegates, the folder also contains following .bat files: * loki.cycles.bat additionally loads Cycles render delegate; * loki.arnold.bat additionally loads Arnold render delegate. .. note:: The file should be modified: specify the **PATH** environment variable to your local Arnold standalone installation (to the folder which contains ai.dll); * loki.renderman.bat additionally loads Renderman render delegate. .. note:: The file should be modified: specify the **RMANTREE** environment variable to your local Renderman standalone installation. More about using render delegates in :ref:`docs/render/render_delegates:render delegates`