.. |deactivate_prim| image:: ../images/panels/outliner/deactivate_prim.gif .. |renaming_prims| image:: ../images/panels/outliner/renaming_prims.gif .. |outliner_parent| image:: ../images/panels/outliner/outliner_parent.gif .. |refine_level| image:: ../images/panels/outliner/refine_level.gif .. |outliner_columns| image:: ../images/panels/outliner/outliner_columns.gif ======== Outliner ======== The Outliner presents a structured list of all scene objects in an outline format. You have the ability to expand or collapse branches within the hierarchy, with lower levels neatly indented under higher levels. The Outliner reveals objects typically hidden in view panels, including default cameras and non-geometric nodes like shaders and materials. You can customize the Outliner's display by using the options in its Display and Show menus to control which nodes are visible. By utilizing options in its **Show** menu, you can manage the visibility of objects displayed in the Outliner, such as Undefined prims (Overs) and Abstract prims (Classes). Searching Nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can easily search for specific nodes by name within the Outliner by using the search menu located at the top of the panel: .. image:: ../images/panels/outliner/outliner_search.png .. tip::: You can partly enter the Node's name to access it. E.g. "Sphere" Prim can be found by simply typing "Sp". Changing Hierarchy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Outliner panel allows for changing the Node's parenting. Drag the elements of the outline using **MMB** to parent or unparent the selected Nodes: |outliner_parent| Outliner Fields --------------- By clicking to the bar of the Outliner fields with **RMB**, the user can control which fields are visible in the panel: |outliner_columns| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: 10, 90 * - Field name - Description * - Visibility - Controls whether the node is visible in the Outliner. * - Type - The type of the node. * - Kind - The kind of the node. * - Full Material - Displays the full material path for the node, including the material name and its location within the scene hierarchy. * - Preview Material - Shows a preview of the material assigned to the node. * - Refine - Displays the refine level for the node, which can be used to control the level of detail for rendering in the Viewport. * - Draw Mode - Shows the draw mode for the node, which can be used to control how the node is rendered. * default: This is the standard way a node is displayed in the viewport. It renders the object's geometry, materials, and any other properties as defined in the scene. * cards - This mode simplifies the representation of objects by displaying them as flat, 2D planes, essentially creating a "cardboard cutout" representation of the geometry. * bounds - This mode displays the bounding box of the object, a rectangular shape that encloses the entire geometry. * origin - This mode simply displays the object's origin point as a small dot or marker. Controlling Refine Level and Draw Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Refine Level and Draw Mode can be switched in the corresponding field by double-clicking the displayed level or mode: |refine_level| The Refinements can be erased using the context **RMB** menu using the **Clear refine for prims** or **Clear all refine** options. Renaming Nodes -------------- The Prims can be renamed by double-clicking on its name: |renaming_prims| Deactivating Nodes ------------------- The Prims can be Deactivated using the Outliner's context menu. Click with **RMB** on the prim and select the **Deactivate** option to set it as Inactive. Use the **Activate** option to set the prim as active again. The visibility of inactive nodes can be toggled in the **Show** menu's **Inactive Prims** option. If this option is enabled, inactive nodes are displayed as crossed out text in the Outliner, the child components of such nodes are not shown: |deactivate_prim| Controlling Node's Visibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Nodes can be also be toggled using the **RMB** context menu. The difference between controlling visibility and Activating/Deactivating Nodes is that visibility control affects the appearance of nodes within the scene viewport, whereas activating/deactivating nodes determines whether they are considered in the Scene computation. It's important to note that toggling visibility does not alter the active state of the node. Even if a node is hidden from view, it may still be considered active and affect simulations or other aspects of the scene. Conversely, deactivating a node makes it inactive in terms of computations, but it may still be visible in the viewport depending on the visibility settings.