.. |move_settings| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_settings.png .. |move_M| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_M.png .. |move_pic| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move.png .. |relative| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_relative.png .. |absolute| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_absolute.png .. |tool_settings_move| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/tool_settings_move.png .. |move_snap| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_snap.gif .. |move_align| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_align.gif .. |move_relative| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_relative.gif .. |snap_mode| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_mode.png .. |small_snap_off| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_off.png .. |small_snap_grid| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_grid.png .. |small_snap_vertex| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_vertex.png .. |small_snap_edge| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_edge.png .. |small_snap_edge_center| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_edge_center.png .. |small_snap_face_center| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_face_center.png .. |small_snap_object_surface| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/small_snap_object_surface.png .. |move_free| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/move_free.gif .. |snap_edge_center| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_edge_center.gif .. |snap_edges| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_edges.gif .. |snap_face_center| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_face_center.gif .. |snap_grid| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_grid.gif .. |snap_points| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_points.gif .. |snap_surface| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/snap_surface.gif Move Tool ========= The |move_M| Move tool allows to move the selection. It allows to move vertices, edges, prims, groups of prims, instances etc. |move_pic| Tool Settings ------------- The |move_M| Move tool has the following parameters displayed in the **Tool Settings** panel: |move_settings| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description * - Axis Orientation - Allows to select the mode gizmos are oriented: * **Object** - Relatively to the selected object rotation; * **World** - Relatively to the global coordinates. * - Pivot - Allows to enter the pivot edit mode or reset its position. * - Snap - Snap moving preferences. Snap Moving ----------- |move_snap| **Snap Mode** can be toggled using the toolbar or the **Tool Settings** panel. |snap_mode| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Snap Mode - Description - Demo * - |small_snap_off| Off - By default snapping is disabled. This allows for free movement of the object without any snapping constraints. - |move_free| * - |absolute| Absolute mode - Uses the global coordinates. On starting the object editing in this mode, they will be aligned to the nearest available point. - |move_align| * - |relative| Relative mode - The snapping is performed relative to the object's Pivot point. - |move_relative| * - |small_snap_grid| Grid - Snaps the pivot point to the nearest point on the Viewport grid. - |snap_grid| * - |small_snap_vertex| Vertex - Snaps the pivot point to the nearest vertex of another selected object. - |snap_points| * - |small_snap_edge| Edge - Snaps the pivot point to the nearest edge of another selected object. - |snap_edges| * - |small_snap_edge_center| Edge Center - Snaps the pivot point to the center point of the nearest edge of another selected object. - |snap_edge_center| * - |small_snap_face_center| Face Center - Snaps the pivot point to the center point of the nearest face of another selected object. This provides a way to precisely align objects to the center of a surface. - |snap_face_center| * - |small_snap_object_surface| Object Surface - Snaps the pivot point to the nearest point on the surface of another selected object. This allows for aligning objects to any point on a surface, even if it's not a vertex or edge. - |snap_surface| The step scope for |absolute| Absolute and |relative| Relative modes can be specified via **Snap** attribute in the **Tool Settings** panel. It supports integer and float numerals. |tool_settings_move| Edit Pivot ---------- It is possible to manipulate the Pivot point using the Move tool. .. image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/edit_pivot.gif .. note:: This ability is based on XformCommonAPI, which does not support rotation. That is why the Pivot point can only be moved.