.. |viewport| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport.png .. |shading| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport_shading.gif .. |default_light| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/use_default_lighting.png .. |light_on| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/use_all_lights.png .. |shadows_on| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/enable_shadows.png .. |switching_cameras| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport_cameras.gif .. |camera| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/camera.png .. |select_camera| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/select_camera.png .. |points| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/shading_mode_points.png .. |shaded_flat| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/shading_mode_shaded_flat.png .. |shaded_smooth| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/shading_mode_shaded_smooth.png .. |wireframe| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/shading_mode_wireframe.png .. |wireframe_surface| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/shading_mode_wireframe_on_surface.png .. |prim_variants| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/prim_variants.gif .. |textured| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/small_textured.png .. |viewport_look_through_selected| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport_look_through_selected.gif :scale: 70% .. |camera_from_view| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/camera_from_view.gif :scale: 70% .. |assign_material| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/assign_material.gif .. |assign_menu| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/assign_material_menu.gif .. |topbar| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/topbar.png .. |render_region| image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/render_region.gif ======================= Viewport ======================= The Viewport panel is a graphical user interface which displays a interactive representation of a 3D scene. It provides ability to preview and interact with the 3D scenes for a wide range of tasks such as viewing, manipulating and modifying the objects. The Viewport panel consists of the following elements: |viewport| .. list-table:: :widths: 20, 80 :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Number - Description * - 1 - Viewport menu-bar * - 2 - Display parameters quick menu * - 3 - Switch camera and render delegate * - 4 - Edit Target (Layer) * - 5 - Current Camera's name Managing the View ================= Navigation ---------- The navigation is performed relatively to the view center using the following hotkeys: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30, 70 :align: center * - Shortcut - Action * - LMB - Select * - Alt + LMB(Hold) - Orbit/Rotate view * - Alt + MMB (Hold) - Pan/Slide view * - Alt + RMB (Hold) - Dolly (Zooming) * - RMB (Click) - Context Menu * - F - Center camera on the selection Context Menu ------------ Right-clicking (RMB) on a prim in the viewport provides access to a range of actions: * **Hide:** Conceals the prim from view. * **Deactivate:** Non-destructively removes prim from the scene. * **Switch Prim Variant:** Allows switching between different versions of the prim, if defined. Prim Variants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section of the context menu displays available variants for the selected prim: |prim_variants| Material Assignment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **RMB context menu** also enables material assignment: * **Assign Material:** While materials are selected in the **Outliner** panel, they can be assigned to the Prim using Assign material option. All selected materials will be listed in this menu. |assign_menu| * **Drag-and-Drop:** Alternatively, you can assign a material by dragging and dropping it from the Outliner panel onto the prim in the **Viewport** using the middle mouse button (**MMB**). This action is equivalent to using the "Assign Material" option. |assign_material| Menu-bar ======== View ---- .. list-table:: :widths: 20, 80 :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Item - Description * - Look Through Selected - Use the selected object as camera for positioning: |viewport_look_through_selected| Switch back to the **Def Cam** to move the view without affecting any objects. * - |select_camera| Select Camera - Select current camera object. * - Create Camera From View - Create a new Camera using current view position |camera_from_view| * - Shading Mode - Allows to select Viewport shading mode: * |points| Points - displays only vertices of the objects. * |wireframe| Wireframe - displays only edges (wireframes) of the objects. * |wireframe_surface| Wireframe on Surface - displays edges (wireframes) over the surface of the objects. * |shaded_smooth| Shaded Smooth - displays objects using smoothed shadows and the base colors. * |shaded_flat| Shaded Flat - displays objects using flat colors. * - Color Management - Allows to select which color space to use for Viewport: * Disabled - disables color management, meaning the software will not apply any color space conversions or transformations. * sRGB - sRGB color space, ensures your Viewport shows accurate colors. * OpenColorIO - see `OCIO`_ section. * - Hydra Renderer - Allows for selecting from the list of accessible Hydra renderers. * - Render Settings - See `Viewport Render Properties`_ * - Display Purpose - Allows for managing the `display_purpose `_ parameter. * - Pause Render - Pauses IPR rendering. * - Resume Render - Resumes IPR rendering. * - Restart Render - Resets Viewport renderer. * - |textured| Enable Scene Materials - Whether to display Materials. * - Cull Backfaces - Use backface culling to hide backsides of faces. * - Camera - Allows for switching between the available cameras. The current view can be changed selecting one of the existing cameras using Camera Select menu or menu-bar **View>Camera**): |switching_cameras| Moving the view will modify the position of the selected camera. Switch back to the **Def Cam** to move the view without affecting any objects. Lights ------ .. list-table:: :widths: 20, 80 :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Item - Description * - |default_light| Use Default Lighting - Enables a default lighting setup. A simple directional light, for basic scene illumination. * - |light_on| Use All Lights - Enables all lights defined in your scene. * - |shadows_on| Enable Shadows - Activates shadow casting for all lights. Show ---- .. list-table:: :widths: 20, 80 :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Item - Description * - Show All - Displays all objects in the Viewport, including meshes, curves, cameras, lights, and other elements. * - Common * Mesh * Basis Curves * Camera * Lights - Whether to display or hide a specific set of common objects in the Viewport. * - Isolate Selection - Hides all objects in the scene except for the currently selected object(s). Top-bar menu ============ |topbar| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10, 90 * - Item - Description * - 1 - Select Camera * - 2 - Gamma * - 3 - Exposure * - 4 - Color Space * - 5 - Displayed AOV * - 6 - Shading Mode selection * - 7 - Enable Scene Materials * - 8 - `Lights`_ options * - 9 - Isolate Selection * - 10 - Render Region Tool Render Region ============= The Render Region allows you to render a specific portion of your scene at full resolution. This is useful in high-load scenes for efficiently making adjustments to specific areas of interest. |render_region| This will render only the selected area at full resolution, allowing you to quickly preview and refine your work. Viewport preferences -------------------- The functions listed in the **Windows>Preferences>Viewport** menu in the top-bar allow to configure Viewport's selection and background colors, grid size, default render delegate, overlay preferences etc. .. image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport_color_prefs.png Viewport Render Properties -------------------------- The Viewport display properties can be configured using the Render Settings improved UI (**View>Render Settings**). This menu includes the Hydra renderer attributes presented in the current scene. The numeric attributes can be configured using the :ref:`docs/panels/tools/attribute_editor:ladder widget` .. image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/hydra_render_settings.gif OCIO ---- The Hydra Viewport allows to manage the color preferences using the `OpenColorIO `_ library. It allows to have the consistent results in the multiple applications. .. image:: ../../images/panels/viewport/viewport_panel/viewport_ocio.gif The OCIO configuration can be modified using OCIO var or using the **Preferences** menu.