Key Concepts¶
Multi-Stage editing¶
A notable feature of ShapeFX Loki is its ability to open multiple stages simultaneously and allow seamless switching between them.
Here are some examples of the tasks for which this feature can be used:
Editing several similar shots where the same assets are used. The program provides ability to do it seamlessly, as the referenced layers are loaded only once.
Editing character asset geometry in memory and tracking the impact of the changes in a number of the selected shots.
Due to this, the following terms appear in UI and API:
Current stage represents the currently active stage opened in UI;
Session represents all currently opened USD stages in memory.
There is no default stage on the application’s startup and some of the UI may appear not working or locked. So it is required to add a stage to the session. Create a new stage or open an existing stage to make the functionality accessible.
Edit Target¶
Another key-feature of ShapeFX Loki involves an ability to choose an Edit Target layer, a functionality rooted in the USD concept, but concealed by many applications.
This feature allows to control the current layer to which the changes are written. So it is significant to understand this concept and being attentive to the target layer in UI, in order to make all the changes in the desired layer.